Saturday, November 21, 2009

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Review

For many years, Call of Duty franchise has never lost his touch, especially in the genre of game that is borne by the franchise of First-person shooter and not to mention the added elements of action-filled game. Even be said also that this franchise has become a pioneer for other games that ever existed and brought the same theme. So, when Infinity Wards decided to switch from World War II era to a more modern era (in Modern Warfare), looks a pretty drastic change.

It all began from the removal of the existing historical elements in the game and added the number of new characters and include elements of the world's most advanced military in this game. Now, after a long time to wait for this one game, the question appears. Does this game deserve to look forward to? After we tried this one game, we must say that was all the waiting worth it.

Modern Warfare 2 can be regarded as a franchise of the Call of Duty the most traditional to the core game is split into three parts. For those who prefer to play this game alone, there are main campaign mode. If you are the type of gamer who prefers to play this game by working with someone else, you can find fashion Spec Ops new here and certainly not least he said the multiplayer modes have returned and became even better than before. Actually, quite a lot of content to feel his own worth playing, but since each mode is a stand-alone mode, then you'll get three different game sensation in the same game.

For the first thing we discuss is the campaign mode or single-mode playernya. Admittedly, this one including one of the most exciting game we've ever felt. You can just feel myself just how much growth experienced by this game simply by looking at all the location shown in this game like a favela in Rio de Janeiro, snowy mountains located in Russia, dusty roads in Afghanistan and many more other locations you'll find. In terms of graphics, 2 Modern Warfare has undergone many improvements, ranging from the environment around you see more detail, which included weather effects, the objects you can destroy and all the elements of action and chaos that is served. Even suarapun be one positive point is there in this game.

But unfortunately, the campaign mode provided by the game's too short. Back when we were playing Call of Duty 4, we take about that long enough to finish this game and the harder difficulty levels you use, it will be the longer the time you need to finish this game. But it was not the case for Modern Warfare 2. For the first game, we only take about 5-6 hours to complete the entire campaign provided. It must be admitted that the situation in the Modern Warfare 2 is far more chaotic and all that could be said thanks to the new visual effects that are used and supplemented with high enemy AI and scenario design that makes it difficult to make this game more so challenging.

Luckily this game does not have an existing problem on its predecessor where the enemy will continue to appear endless. During the game, you will be guided by a guide who will advise you in any direction that you have to take. Moreover, there is even a conversation in this game sounds so realistic and amazing. When you compatriots (in game) to shout a code phrase, then that is what should you watch it carefully. Example, when a friend said that there are enemies in the back with a vehicle, then there must be no enemy who was waiting. So this time, all the conversations that you hear is not just a decoration only. Only this does not mean all these things will eliminate one of the problems that often you find, the movement of AI friends who often hinder you. But at least, for the time it all seemed so much better when compared with the Modern Warfare.

One more element is also important in this game is how they tell the story in this game. Although this time there is no more history that can be used as the support of the plots, Infinity Wards able to present an interesting storyline, touching and easy to follow. Only, there is a weakness that is owned by Infinity Wards. That is their tendency to assume that every gamer who plays it knows only one character in the game and automatically ask you to find his own road story. In addition, there are quite a lot of weapons that you can use in this game and the game concept is very supportive of the game. Although in the end, the game will still return to the main point of each game with the same genre, ie following the instructions given in this game and finish well without killed.

As far as we can point out to this game, Modern Warfare is more is more fun when played with friends or play online in a fashion Spec Ops. Spec Ops Mode (short for Special Operations) is a mode similar to the arcade where you can play this mode alone, even though the game is designed to be played by these two new people will feel much less convenient to play along with your friends.

We believe that this mode will make you addictive and hard to forget this game. Mode is just one more time when compared with single-player modes are given and also a version of a massive upgrade from version Modern Warfare Arcade mode first. Well, as we said earlier, this mode is designed specifically to be played by two people together and it's proved very important. There was one time where you will be asked to control a helicopter and machine guns on helicopters to assist one other player who was besieged by the enemy. You should be able to help a friend in order not to have been killed by enemy soldiers and they were not going to do it successfully if you do not work with your friends.

Meanwhile, for online game modes, what else can we say? This time the whole thing is in this mode look so perfect and nearly flawless. Lots of effects given in this mode, the car explosions and the number of electrical devices will you find here feels like the original. No wonder given there are a special team from Infinity Wards mode handling this one specifically.

Infinity Wards have also tried to balance the game in this game by listening to feedback from the gamers who have played the first Modern Warfare. Class system has returned, as well as a number of weapons and other equipment that will be one of the attractions of this game. Perhaps we can say online mode in Modern Warfare is mode 2 is the most balanced online we've played so far, because every gamer will have its own role and they will contribute to the team with his or her own way.

Last comment from us, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is one of the first-person game the best shooter we've played so far and all the aspects given in this game was perfect. Unfortunately, it is not supported by the existence of a dedicated server which we think is the biggest mistake made by the Infinity Wards. In addition, single-player mode is provided also felt short (completed only in about 3-5 hours). However, this game really was spectacular. While having some shortcomings, but this game still is a fantastic game that should not be released just like that.


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